Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Bible Reading Goals for 2020

I recently typed my goals in a group of friends who do Bible study together. To simplify, my main goal is to open the Bible app on my phone before opening anything else. 

But I would also like to get back to language study and there is something so beautiful about how each language relates to me in a different way and how new things show up as I read scriptures that I understand and think try to through the eyes of a variety of cultures.

This year, I would like to read:

Português - Ecclesiastes, proverbs, and a gospel (Maybe John)

Hindi - Jona, Ruth
Urdu - Listen to the Jesus movie

French - Jonah, Ruth

Spanish - Matthew

Lakota, Chinrse, Somali (or other languages that I can't read/speak) - listen to the Jesus movie, if I can find it on YouTube (I've listened to it in Hindi, Urdu, Português, Spanish, Arabic, Krio, Patois, Creole and others just for fun)

Greek - memorize John 1:1-?, and review/relearn other verses, vocab, grammar, and alphabet

Hebrew - memorize the Shema

What are your language or Bible reading goals for 2020?

*Image from a Bible inspired book I created 🖤